

We Promote people’s feelings of Inner Happiness

RAJWADA ROYALS … is a place of care and compassion, a place for sharing smiles and tears, a place for fun and frolic, a place of learning, and a place called home in aging years.

The quality of the home is defined not only by the accommodation it provides but also by the opportunities it offers to be active, to be mentally and physically stimulated, and engaged.

Let’s Move.

Whatever be the age it is necessary to be as active as one is able to be. Exercises, yoga, walking, sports all help in making one feel light and happy. Working out together energizes and encourages one to put one’s best foot forward. It also helps to release anti -stress hormones and of course the mind ticks along too. Competition in a fun way can be especially satisfying.

Soul food.

Music and meditation is food for the soul in an old age home. While the body moves with exercise, the heart and soul comes alive with the sound of music. While the members can join in a sing -a-long or listen to their favourite tracks in a community hall or even learn music, one can get lost in the beautiful world of melody.
Meditation brings calmness and serenity. It helps in collecting ones thoughts, it helps in unlocking the mind, and brings in perhaps a sense of calmness. Meditation also helps in focusing one thoughts. It is strangely tranquil and happiness personified.

Smile please.

Organising, participating in function and festivals are integral to a sense of well-being, involvement and smiling together with a sense of achievement and accomplishment. Together everyone feels the joy of participation. Of course, there might be instances of breaking into tears as well but that’s power for the course. The bonding that can happen after is indeed healing.
Reading together or book reading sessions are mind-opening activities. Sharing stories and memories are hugely cathartic.

Nimble hands.

Let the hands work crochet, knitting, cooking, gardening keep the hands on the move. Joints tend to get stiff. These activities helps one to remain flexible and retain some element of agility. Concentration powers are also enhanced.

Moving fingers.

Painting, arts and crafts, origami are highly creative and offer beautiful time-spending opportunities. Imagination comes into
play and can help to reignite vitality and a sense of what is possible.

Lets play games.

Community games like bingo, treasure hunt, or solving puzzles all add up to relaxation and fun in an old age home. Card games are always great. Scrabble, Uno, Chess all offer joyful challenges. Reading together or book reading sessions are mind-opening activities. Sharing stories and memories are hugely cathartic.

Adda inside/ outside.

Celebrating birthdays, going out shopping, just a meet and chat session, seeing movies, Welcoming visitors and spending time with them. Bird watching, trekking, short two-day vacations to a nearby place all bring excitement, laughter and social bonding and exploration. Having a speaker/ performer over adds an extra sparkle to everyday life and living.

I can and I will responsibilities.

Being responsible for some of the work in the old age home might feel like pressure but in reality it offers one a sense of purpose. Working shoulder to shoulder on a particular project is a lot of fun. It instills confidence and some amount of independence. 

Let’s remember, nowhere does it say the elderly and aged have to act their age ‘As long as it makes me happy and I’m not hurting anyone I will act whatever age I want. So let the Adventure begin.’

Have Fun!